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赵红宇  讲师
办公室电话+86 (0)411 84706003-3601
电子邮箱地址 zhaohy (at) dlut (dot) edu (dot) cn



  1. Zhelong Wang,Hongyu Zhao(通讯作者), Sen Qiu, and Qin Gao. Stance-phase detection for ZUPT-aided foot-mounted pedestrian navigation system. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20(6): 3170-3181.
  2. Hongyu Zhao, Zhelong Wang, Hong Shang, Weijian Hu, and Qin Gao. A time-controllable Allan variance method for MEMS IMU. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 2013, 40(2): 111-120.
  3. Hongyu Zhao, Zhelong Wang, Qin Gao, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, and Abdulhameed Alelaiwi. Smooth estimation of human foot motion for zero-velocity-update-aided inertial pedestrian navigation system. Sensor Review, 2015, 35(4).
  4. 赵红宇, 王哲龙, 姜鸣. 基于EPEA的SINS大失准角非线性初始对准方法. 大连理工大学学报, 2012, 52(5): 736-742.
  5. 高琴, 王哲龙, 赵红宇. 基于Hopf振荡器实现的蛇形机器人的步态控制. 机器人, 2014, 36(6): 688-696.
  6. 姜鸣, 王哲龙, 刘晓博, 赵红宇, 胡耀华. 基于BSN和CHMMs的人体日常动作识别方法研究. 大连理工大学学报, 2013, 53(1): 121-126.
  7. Hongyu Zhao, Hong Shang, Zhelong Wang, and Ming Jiang. Comparison of initial alignment methods for SINS. The 9th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), Taipei, June 21-25, 2011: 42-47.
  8. Zhelong Wang, Hongyu Zhao, Hong Shang, and Sen Qiu. An improved particle filter for multi-feature tracking application. IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST), Manchester, July 16-17, 2012: 522-527.
  9. Zhelong Wang, Hongyu Zhao, Junxia Ren, and Hongyi Li. A cavity detection method based on machine vision. The 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS), Dalian, July 5-7, 2010, 3: 111-115.
  10. Zhelong Wang, Chuan Dai, and Hongyu Zhao. A real-time object tracking system for contrast media injection. IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Istanbul, October 10-13, 2010: 3749-3753.
  11. Chuan Dai, Zhelong Wang, and Hongyu Zhao. A medical tracking system for contrast media. International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation and International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (LSMS-ICSEE 2010), Wuxi, September 17-20, 2010: 525-531.
  12. Zhelong Wang, Ming Jiang, Hongyu Zhao, Hongyi Li, and Yuechao Wang. A pilot study on evaluating recovery of the post-operative based on acceleration and sEMG. International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN), Singapore, June 7-9, 2010: 3-8.